Episode 11

Ticked Off - Surviving the Chaos of Tourette's Disorder

Published on: 15th January, 2024

Ticked off! | Surviving the Chaos of Tourettes Disorder with Kristof Morrow

Tourettes Disorder is one of the most challenging and debilitating mental health anyone can experience. It’s technically a Tic Disorder. Tics are sudden, rapid, unexpected and recurrent motor movements (i.e. hands, feet, legs, eye-blinking) and / or vocal utterings, either of random words and even vulgarities. People experience Tics and Tourettes in different ways, and few presentations are the same from person to person. Sounds like chaos, right?

Today, our guest is Kristof Morrow, a man who developed Tourettes Disorder at age 18 while serving in the U.S. Navy. And though he was eventually be discharged from Naval service because of the debilitating effects of Tourettes Disorder and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Kristof was able to discover his talents as a writer. Today, Kristof is an award-winning Author, journalist and his videos have gone viral on TikTok. Join us as Kristof tells his story and tells us how he was able to find success despite having a disability, and to give hope that anyone can overcome even the most challenging and chaotic situations in life.

Key points:

Kristof learned at an early age “When you are wrong, it gets violent”

When you grow up abused, you become an expert in changing and modifying yourself. It’s a perverted metamorphosis because modifying yourself doesn’t work because then you have no identity.

When you have an identity crisis, OCD and other means of coping are used, but these also cause problems.

Military service is a solemn, noble thing. Being a Corman Medic in the navy “was a beautiful thing” and “I wanted to know that I was capable of doing that kind of good.”

The letter Kristof wrote to service members in middle school. “What’s important to me is to provide care to everyone, and do no harm.”

Tics are a brief loss of agency. “The underlying cause is unknown, but I know what exacerbates it.”

Tips and Tools:

Tip #1: One of the main keys to healing is to understand that the notions you have about yourself arrived from abuse and not from the truth.

Tip #2: Know what exacerbates your tic(s), and wear gloves or protective clothing to prevent harm to yourself

Tip #3: Tics can manifest when you are under pressure, so learning to manage anxiety is crucial

Tip #4: When any meaningful relationships or any other life domains are compromised, it’s a sign that you need to accept that you have a mental health issue and can receive help for it

Tip #5: Mental health is not your fault but it is your responsibility

Tip #6: Being more forgiving toward yourself for having a mental health condition is helpful

Going Forward – And Doing Great Things (Kristof’s Top 10 Tips):

1. Making inspiring and profound connections with others who fulfill and support you

2. If you feel like you have a talent, cultivate it and don’t give up trying

3. “A lot of my success was privilege” (Being a white male) – Acknowledge your privilege

4. Learn to turn rejection into resilience

5. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

6. Work with your dopamine receptors by removing stimulants and sensory input and take medications if prescribed

7. Meditation and meditative breathing “Emptying a pool with a garden hose”

8. Emotional Freedom Technique or “Tapping”

9. Loop Earplugs – invisible noise reducing devices for sleep and during waking hours to reduce sensory input

10. “Even if the world falls down around us, we can all get through it hugging each other.”

“Justice and Redemption are folly…but to seek them is not.”

Link to Kristof’s Book:


Social Media Links:

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kristofmorrow

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/KristofMorrow/posts

Instagram: @kristofmorrow


Emotional Freedom Technique – Learn how Tapping can help your emotional struggles! https://www.thetappingsolution.com/tapping-101/

Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for tics (CBIT) Good video on YouTube! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tQVTVvAqGs&t=11s

Southpark’s Depiction of Tourette’s Disorder in Cartman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBtyGAbyQpc

The Loop Earplugs for Noise and Sensory Reduction: https://us.loopearplugs.com/collections/all

More of Tracy’s costumes in “Light and Dark 2023” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtTL1uPjVSI&t=148s

#tourettes #mentalhealth #ticdisorders

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Calming the Chaos
Helping You Find Peace in a Chaotic World!
Calming the Chaos is a podcast by Licensed Mental Health Counselor Tracy Kenela, who interviews a variety of professionals around the world in an effort to find different ways to help people (and herself!) find peace in a chaotic world. Each episode contains Information, tips, tools, and resources that come from different schools of thought, and are presented as a fun and entertaining way to help you move toward a more peaceful and enjoyable life.

About your host

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Tracy Kenela

Tracy Kenela is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Certified Eating Disorders Specialist and Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist in Olympia, Washington. As the Host of "Calming the Chaos" Podcast, Tracy has made it her mission to help people (and herself!) find peace in a Chaotic world! Her podcast interviews, YouTube Channel and short videos are an entertaining way to find self help for all things that cause you chaos!