Episode 19
Chaos in Relationships
Ask the Professionals - Red Flags in Relationships
Calming the Chaos welcomes Laura Vaillancourt, M.A., LMHC, GMHS of Eldercare Counseling & Guidance Services onto a Live Podcast on YouTube. We talk about how to identify red flags in relationships, and how to overcome the chaos that can come with establishing a new relationship, whether it is a friendship, romantic, or online. Laura and Tracy also answer questions from the live chat!
The goal: To help people learn to detect red flags in a relationships, and what signs can indicate a good relationship
- Friendships (“Fren-amies”)
- Pace of getting to know you is too fast (“TMI”)
- Not respecting Boundaries (physical / emotional) or giving advice
- Gut Instinct tells you there may be something suspicious (intuition)
- Discreet forms of envy (“I hate you…You’re so skinny!”) or they fish for compliments
- Put-downs, shaming, namecalling or guilting (emotional manipulation) or bragging
- Gossiping about people or dislikes your friends
- Dishonesty, “forgetting,” insensitivity or overly sensitive
- Asking for money or substance use problems
- Triangulation
- Cutting you off / not responding (Passive aggression)
- Expensive Gifts / buying you things, treating you to meals, not allowing you to pay
- Being too agreeable
- Too much or too little communication with you (insensitive to your boundaries)
- Putting pressure on you to spend more time together / sexual intimacy
- Controlling / possessive behavior (checking your phone or restricting your socializing)
- Isolating, alienating you from other friends or family
- Emotional abuse (gaslighting, deflecting, namecalling, accusing
- Yelling, screaming, threatening
- Angels and Demons (extreme thinking)
- Passive Aggression (not answering your phone calls or leaving you on “read.”)
- You feel like you are walking on eggshells
- You feel like you aren’t safe to share feelings
- They are defensive, insecure, or unable to take constructive feedback
- They threaten suicide
- There is a contentious separation with ex / ex is still involved with their life
- Romantic (obvious: Physical abuse, infidelity)
- Timmy has a story he wants to share about how he was approached on Instagram
- Asking for your personal information too soon
- Asking you for money
- Using pet names for you, like “honey
- Asking you for pictures, height / weight, etc.
- Giving you intrusive pictures of them
- Not giving you their real name
- Not on camera, or fake pictures used
- They badmouth other people online
- They treat others in a cruel or unfair way online
- They are blindly loyal to a person, idea or concept
- They have a narrow view of the world and others, and aren’t open-minded to the truth
- They lie about you online
- They assume your intentions
- They don’t “get” what you are saying, despite you saying it over and over again
- Online
- Scenarios from Chat or ones that Laura and Tracy come up with (see attached)
- Honesty / Integrity
- Consistency
- Flexibility
- Patience
- Kindness
- Forgiveness
- Respect
- Adaptability
- Vulnerability
- Interdependence
- “Carefrontation”
- You feel comfortable in their presence, and being with them is easy! (Not a “job.”)
- Traits of a good relationship (friendship, romance and online)
Additional Resources:
Dr. Todd Grande talks about…
7 signs of a Toxic Relationship, listen at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpV9HPY7tSQ
10 Signs of a Toxic Personality, listen at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYP0EtjCWuM